24-77 Percent

Women experience a 24% increased risk of heart attack after one divorce, and a 77% increased risk after two or more divorces.

-Duke University

The average level of decrease in a woman’s household income after divorce. After age 50, the financial consequences for women become even more pronounced, with average household income sinking by 45%.

20-40 Percent

The average cost of a divorce for a woman, with numbers going over $100,000 when there are children and property involved. - Forbes Magazine


Are You Struggling To Find Yourself After Divorce? To Uncover Who You Are, Who You Want To Be, And The Life You Want To Live?

If you’re stuck in an endless cycle of confusion, anxiety and loneliness after your separation, you aren’t alone.

The mentor you didn’t know needed.

Hi. I’m Makelina. Divorced, single mom of two amazing, empowered teenagers. I’m here to share with you my story, my experience and the truth about divorce for women in 2024.

You see, I had a great outcome. Financially, and with my children. Financially, I ended up with equity from our family home, the entire income from an ongoing business I had throughout the marriage, as well as joint custody of my children. I was also able to successfully and legally implement important safeguards for my children, including NO overnight interaction with my ex’s girlfriends unless and until they were together for a full year. AND, the “year” only starts when I receive written notice that this relationship begins.

Many women have no idea that they actually have the power to advocate successfully for their rights in this way.

Unfortunately, for 93% of women, the outcome in custody cases is NOT a good one. That number may be difficult to believe, because statistically, many fathers simply abandon their children after a divorce. Less than 4% of all fathers fight for custody of their kids, but of the ones that do, 93% of them are awarded custody. READ HERE for more. Not to mention, 72% of abusive fathers are awarded full or joint custody. For these fathers, they rarely do any parenting while you’re married, but then suddenly want to prove their fatherhood through the courts. When this happens, you are almost always dealing with a high level narcissist.

For those of you who don’t have children and aren’t dealing with the Family Courts, on one hand, consider yourself very lucky. But still, the financial implications of divorce ALMOST ALWAYS disproportionately negatively affect women.

Dealing With Lawyers is Not Easy

The first thing most women do is hire a lawyer. But even that can be daunting. Who to hire? What should you look for? How do you know you have the right person who will actually advocate for YOUR needs? Many women don’t even know where to begin when it comes to hiring a lawyer. Hiring the WRONG lawyer is a mistake that will cost you significantly - in both money and your future. Believe me, there is a sea of “wrong” lawyers out there, ready to take your money and push you into the easiest agreement (for them) possible. They often operate on a belief that “all divorces are the same” and they give you nothing but the downside of divorce. But there ARE some amazing heart-centered attorneys who really do advocate for their clients, but they are harder to find. That’s one reason why hiring an expert divorce coach BEFORE you hire an attorney is ideal. But, even if you have already hired an attorney before you found me, I can help you advocate for yourself when dealing with your lawyer. Knowing HOW to work with attorneys is a very important skillset to have in your back pocket.

Financial Matters May Not Be Something You Previously Handled While Married

For many women going through divorce, it may be the first time you have to deal with things like preparing budgets, understanding marital assets, knowing what your husband may have in terms of investments, accounts you don’t have access to, valuing your time if you are a stay at home mom without an independent income, cars, vacation homes, art, jewelry, cars and so much more. Having an expert divorce coach who has been through every step of this, and emerged with a VERY positive outcome, is essential to protect your future.

When should i Hire A Divorce Coach?

As soon as you begin contemplating divorce. The sooner you have me as the expert by your side, guiding you through the process, the easier it will be for you to navigate all of the questions, concerns and challenges you may face on your journey to THRIVING.

You are likely to have many of the same questions other women have, including:

  • What about my kids?

  • How do I tell my family and friends?

  • How can I successfully co-parent?

  • My soon-to-be-ex is a narcissist, how can I possibly come out ahead?

  • Who gets the house? Where will I live?

  • I have been a stay-at-home mom, how am I going to make it financially?

  • Do I need my own lawyer?

  • What kind of information should I have before filing?

  • Is it better for me to file first, or let my spouse do the filing?

  • How do I pick the best attorney to protect myself?

  • I’m worried about my ex having a new relationship and bringing that person into my kids’ lives.

  • Is there any way I can safeguard them?

How I Can Help You

  • Essential: Mini-Masterclasses

    These are the most important things you need to know IMMEDIATELY. I made these incredibly affordable to make sure they're accessible to as many women as possible. I guide you step by step through the most critical aspects of the divorce process. These are delivered via video and downloadable PDF format.

  • 1 ON 1 SUPPORT

    Every week I make a limited number of one on one Strategy Sessions available for people for less than what a typical attorney charges. This is your opportunity to hear my perspective and receive personalized insight, ideas, and tips.


    For the highest level of support, hire me as your personal coach over a duration of time. This guarantees appointment availability, personalized guidance, effective strategy sessions and individualized custom support. *space limited. 30 minute free intro call included.